We made hipsters box, partygoers confess their darkest secrets, artists atomize a desk, put authors through live-writing hell while we threw a dance party around them—then we did REVOLVER AT THE RITZ: 12 EXPERIMENTS. It was our most ambitious project to date.

Poets wrestled. Science-y people talked about the science-y aspects of decidedly non-science-y things. Impromptu essays + the Nature of the Internet happened. Confetti guns didn't. A play + a special surprise. A song we all feel is somehow ours. And more more more.

Each experiment lasted 10 minutes and there were 12 of them.




EXPERIMENT #1: The Disrupted Reading

EXPERIMENT #2: Etherized Upon A Table

EXPERIMENT #3: Andy-pedia

EXPERIMENT #4: We Asked Heid Erdrich To Do Something Amazing

EXPERIMENT #5: The Author Will See You Now

EXPERIMENT #6: Play Perception — A-Side

EXPERIMENT #7: Play Perception — B-Side

EXPERIMENT #8: The Pitch

EXPERIMENT #9: Ticker Tape

EXPERIMENT #10: Poet + Drummer

EXPERIMENT #11: Greco Times New Roman

EXPERIMENT #12: I’m Tired. You Write The Lyrics.



Matt Rasmussen

Heid Erdrich

Maggie Koerth-Baker

Chris Fischbach

R. Vincent Moniz Jr.

Nicky Tiso

Andy Sturdevant

Marty Kihn

Katie Dublinski

Lightsey Darst

Sarah Stonich

Dennis Cass

Maggie Ryan Sandford

Forest Lewis

Brian Beatty

Joe Waechter

Anitra Budd

Caleb Rotach

Sarah Fox

Dylan Hicks

John Colburn

Jessica Huang